There is a better way for Canadians to invest their money, a way to pay less and rest easy.

Who We Are

Nest Wealth is an innovative digital wealth platform that makes it easy for you to obtain wealth management focused on your long-term goals without high fees, large minimums or lack of transparency.

We make investing easy for you by using smarter technology, proven investment principles and sophisticated advice. Whether you’re saving for a secure retirement, a better education, a bigger house or your own special goal, we build a customized solution to suit your financial situation, time horizon and risk tolerance.

What We Do

With some of the lowest management fees in Canada, we can help you achieve your goals faster.

We carefully diversify your portfolio based on your needs to maximize returns while minimizing risks.

Our dedicated approach uses proven investment strategies while providing you with personalized attention.

Fee Structure


Management Fee

0-150K I 0.5% Annually

Over 150K I 0.4% Annually



Referral Fee

Referral Fees May Be Applicable up to 1%




Portfolio Fee




Frequently Asked Questions

Our custodian can typically open an account in 24-48 hours as long as the opening account process is followed. Once an account is open, you can submit funding requests from your bank account or transfer an existing account from another institution. 

Please make sure you have the following on hand: 
  1. A valid, government issued, photo ID 
  2. Online banking login information or copy of a void cheque 
  3. (Optional) – A statement for any existing investment account(s) you would like to transfer over 

We support all account types, with the exception of Registered Disabilities Savings Plans (RDSPs).

This largely depends on where the account is held currently and whether or not the current institution is a member of the ATON network or not. Here are the general time frames for the different types of transfers:

Electronic: 2-4 weeks
Non-Electronic: 4-6 weeks

  1. Void Cheque incomplete or not clear (needs to be pre-printed and showing your name and address)
  2. Driver’s License not clear
  3. Address not matching (on either TransUnion, DL, or opening docs)
  4. Fraud Alert on TransUnion
  5. Incorrect jurisdiction specified on LIRA, LRSP and RLSP account types*
  • We are required to know whether a locked-in registered account is under provincial or federal jurisdiction as well as province of jurisdiction, if applicable.

We employ the principles of mean variance optimization and Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Specifically, we look at asset class returns, risk and correlations and then use an algorithm that optimises the weight of each asset class based on the level of risk the client can take. We review this annually.

Yes, they are as follows:

$1-$999 – accounts will be in cash, generating interest
$1000-$9999 – accounts will be in a one-ticket solution
$10,000+ – accounts will be in our customized ETF portfolio

You will not be able to add ETFs you like, own, nor can you exclude ETFs that are in our model. You also cannot determine the % allocation to any specific ETF. The customization can only be achieved through the asset allocation of Fixed Income vs Equity. As for Cash, there is a hard target of 1%, 5%, 10% that can be maintained – also known as the “Cash Wedge Strategy”.

There is a performance tab available for each account in the Nest Wealth client portal. This is a money weighted return that updates daily. You will also see detailed quarterly statements which can be downloaded from your account. These reports will show the Money-weighted Rate of Return for your portfolio.

Keeping your money safe is extremely important to us, and we do this in two ways:

  1. We use third-party custodians. Your assets are held in an account in your name at NBIN Inc or Fidelity Clearing Canada (FCC). Nest Wealth only has the right to issue trading instructions against your account. We can’t access money in your account other than to receive our monthly advisory fee. In the unlikely event that Nest Wealth becomes insolvent, your assets will not be impacted and will remain unaffected in your account at the custodian.
  2. Nest Wealth is a registered Portfolio Manager in Canada. Securities in your account may be protected up to $1,000,000 CDN through one of our custodians should they go insolvent. See for more details.

Get in touch with your Atlantic Business Federation financial advisor to get started